A 45-YEAR-OLD man asked magistrates to help him hide his embarrassment by allowing the removal of his electronic tag while he acted as best man at a family wedding – wearing a kilt.

But while guests at the wedding may not know what Graham Carter is wearing under his kilt, they will know he is electronically monitored after Hyndburn magistrates refused his request.

Carter, of Woodfield View, Whalley, was made subject to an electronically-monitored curfew between 8pm and 7am for 15 weeks after pleading guilty to using threatening behaviour towards a neighbour.

Magistrates had already agreed to suspend the curfew for five days while he attended the wedding.

But the chairman of the bench said they would not instruct the monitoring company to remove and then refit the “bracelet”.

“I’m sure that with the kilt you wear thick socks but, if anyone asks, you will just have to explain it to them,” added the chairman.