A DRUNKEN house raider caught ‘frantically’ climbing out of the window by the victim in the early hours was rumbled after leaving his cider outside.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Matthew Weller, who is said to drink six litres of strong alcohol a day, was bailed after the attack on the Accrington family home, broke into a car and this time was caught out after leaving blood at the scene.

Weller, 30, said to have turned to drink after kicking drugs, had more than 60 previous convictions.

He wanted a chance to have treatment for his addiction, but Judge Simon Newell locked him up for two years.

The judge said the victims, a couple and their two daughters, would have been upset by his actions and the children even more so as they would undoubtedly know what went on.

The defendant, of Booth Street, Accrington, admitted burglary and theft and had been committed for sentence by Blackburn Magistrates.

Kevin Preston, for Weller, said he had tried near enough every drug available and had slipped from one vice to another.