A SHARED police helicopter service begins today with force bosses promising an improved service.

Five constabularies, Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Cheshire, Merseyside and North Wales, will now be covered by four helicopters.

The regional police air operations service claims to offer 11 per cent efficiency savings and enhanced support with the aircraft closest to an incident deployed from a regional command centre.

The new arrangement also prepares the North West for the National Police Air Service, which is set to launch in 2012.

Merseyside Supt, Chris Markey, the regional lead for the North West Air Operations Group, said: “The new arrangement for police helicopters in the North West prepares us for the future of air support nationally.

“It offers a high-quality, flexible, cross-border service with the ultimate aim of making the North West a better and safer place.”

Chair of North West Joint Committee and Merseyside Police Authority, Coun Bill Weightman, said: “This is a great example of how collaboration between the North West’s police authorities and forces can result in both savings and a better service.”

The Government is keen to promote collaboration between neighbouring forces to help bring in its 20 per cent cuts.