AN EIGHT-year-old boy was left lying in the road with a broken nose after being hit by a car in Blackburn yesterday.

Zuhair Din had been out playing with schoolfriends on when he was hit by a Toyota minibus in Holly Street.

Police are investigating the incident, but said the taxi driver stopped and told officers he had hit the child.

He helped Zuhair out of the road before calling an ambulance.

Zuhair’s mother Parween Rafiq, 33, and father Syed Rizvi, 36, a stocktaker, have only just moved into Holly Street, Bastwell, Blackburn.

They said the accident was the third similar incident in recent weeks and called for traffic calming measures.

Parween said: “Zuhair said he was waiting to cross the street.

"One car passed, but the next car hit him. I was in so much shock to see my little boy covered in blood, I fainted in the ambulance.

“He’s got a broken nose and some bruising on his face, leg and stomach.

“He stayed in hospital overnight and is now recovering at home.

“The police are investigating now, but we would like to see speed restrictions on the road.

"This is the third child that’s been knocked down.”

A police spokesman said the ‘low-speed impact’ incident, which happened at 4.30pm, was under investigation.