CASH-strapped Rossendale Council is scrapping the post of deputy mayor this year in a bid to make a one-off saving.

Council bosses in the valley said the decision, which is set to be ratified by councillors next week, would save £500.

Current mayor Coun Gladys Sandiford was installed as the Valley’s first citizen in May, but a decision on her deputy was delay-ed at the annual council meeting.

Coun Brian Essex was in line to become her successor, but following the last borough elections he became head of the Conservative Group, after council leader Tony Swain lost his seat.

Under the ruling, which was discussed by a civic working group last week, Coun Essex will assume the mayor’s chains in 2012-13.

If Coun Sandiford is unavailable, for any reason during the current civic year, then Coun Christine Gill has been nom-inated to step in.

Stuart Sugarman, the council’s business director, said in an executive report that the £500 deputy mayor’s allowance would be saved.

"In addition to this, there will be cost savings ass-ociated with not providing cover in the absence of the mayor for engagements,” added Mr Sugarman.

Traditionally the deputy mayor will attend functions when the mayor is either unavailable, or already attending another event.

The council has been asked to make savings of £2.5million to £3million, of its £11million bud-get, over the next three years.