WORKERS at a Burnley factory are worried about the threat of job cuts as bosses conduct a review over the business.

Management at the head office of Robert McBride, which makes household cleaning products, are conducting a strategic review of the business.

The move comes as the costs of raw materials rise and revenues fall and workers in Burnley are fearing they could be out of a job as a result of the study.

McBride’s has a factory in Windermere Avenue, Burnley, which employs around 200 people, as well as 19 other factories across 11 countries.

A spokesman for the firm said: “The company announced a strategic review back in February that will look at the supply chains and operations of the business and any efficiencies which can be made.

“At the moment there has been no further announce-ment and it is just speculation. The company is still form-ulating its plans and when any decisions are made it will inform those people affected first.”

The review was announced in response to fears over the economic situation and the potential for business to slow.

Gordon Birtwistle, MP for Burnley, said: “I know they are conducting a review but I hope it doesn’t affect Burnley at all.

“I understand that Burnley is one of the most efficient sites, there is an extremely good workforce there.

“It is only natural that staff are concerned when a review is going on, but I hope the review comes out in favour of Burnley, and maybe even sees expansion in Burnley.”

In its most recent half year report, McBride’s revealed that revenue from UK household retail products was down two per cent and reported that a reduction in operating profit was due.

The report states that the rising cost of materials could be as much as £7m for the second half of the year.