A TEN-YEAR-OLD boy is being investigated by police over allegations he sexually abused two four-year-old children.

Senior police officers have been working on the case with social services and child sex case specialists at the Crown Prosecution Service.

It is alleged that the boy lured the two children to woodland in the Whittlefield area of Burnley and sexually abused them on June 2.

DI Derry Crorken, of the Public Protection Unit at Lancashire Police, said: “It is a very delicate case. I can’t remember the last time this happened.

“The case is going to a senior CPS lawyer who is also an expert in child sex cases. Social services have also been involved and we have notified the youth offending team.

“We also have to make sure that the child doesn’t pose a risk in the future.

“It a very distressing for the families and I understand the distress they are having.”

DI Crorken said he hoped a decision on whether to bring any charges would be made early next week.

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