A 65-year-old woman with a history of depression and mental illness was found hanging from the stair-rail at her Clitheroe home by her daughter, an inquest was told.

The inquest heard that Gabrielle Davis had made numerous previous attempts on her life but had always phoned her husband and told him what she had done.

But the coroner recorded an open verdict because he could not be certain she had intended to kill herself.

The inquest heard that Mrs Davis, of Stamford Place, developed depression in 1999. She was diagnosed as having a hiatus hernia but was convinced she had cancer.

Bobby Davis said his wife's father and her brother had died of cancer and she had a "fixation" it would be the cause of her death.

He said tover the years there had been a number in incidents including overdoses and wrist slashing which had led to Mrs Davis being sectioned under the mental health act on several occasions.

Mr Davis said that when his wife had attempted to take her life before she had always rung him in time for him to get her to hospital.

"I think they were just cries for help," said Mr Davis.

Mr Davis said he went into town were he met their daughter Janet but was only gone for 40 minutes. When they returned Janet found her mum hanging by a washing line.