CHANGES to expenses rules will see councillors told to provide meals receipts for the first time in more than 10 years.

Hyndburn Council members are currently allowed to claim ‘full entitlement’ for meals, without showing receipts for the amount actually spent.

The council said its expenses system had in the past required receipts for hotel stays, travel and mileage claims, but meals had been exempt.

This meant whenever councillors had meetings at mealtimes, or have claimed for meals when at conferences, they were able to put in for full amounts.

The new Labour administration has forwarded propsals to change this rule to make the council ‘more transparent’.

Coun Ciaran Wells, who put forward the idea, said: “I just find it astonishing that expenses can be claimed for without any proof.

“Members of the public would not be too happy if it were more widely known. Any other comp-any or body would be sure to close up this loop hole.”

Council leader Miles Parkinson said: “In light of the MPs’ expenses scandal, we cannot be too transparent, I think. This policy will be a great improvement.

Former leader Peter Britcliffe said: “I was puzzled when I saw this proposal because I don’t think it will make a real difference. I am not too sure what the written policy on expenses was, but in practice, many councillors submitted meal receipts anyway. I certainly did.

“Just because you can claim full entitlement, doesn’t mean you will.”

MP Graham Jones, a former borough councillor, said: “It’s all part of the ongoing transparency culture that has been brought in. The public has a right to know and have confidence the system is not being milked.”

A council spokeswoman said: “These proposed changes are part of our programme of continuous improvements. The previous system was subject to spot checks and rigorous audit.”