A DISABLED teenager has been left a virtual prisoner in his own home after thieves stole his specialist pushchair.

Macaulay Bardsley, who needed to use the £250 pushchair every time he left his home, is now unable to go outdoors because he was such severe mobility problems.

The 14-year-old, who is blind, disabled, autisic and has learning difficulties, was on his way to school when the pushchair was stolen from outside his house.

His mother, Louise Carroll, had left the pushchair and a booster seat for the car outside the family home in Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom, while she got Macaulay out of the house to wait for his bus to school.

But when she returned only minutes later she was horrified to discover the chair and booster seat had disappeared.

Ms Carroll, aged 36, said: “He can get around the house OK but needs the pushchair every times he goes out.

“Basically, he can’t get out without this pushchair and that means he’s virtually become a prisoner in his own home. He just can't go outdoors because of the theft.

“I had put the pushchair and booster seat outside the front door at 7.10am. About five or 10 minutes later I returned to discover they had gone.

“I thought I was going mad at first and had perhaps put both the pushchair and booster seat elsewhere.”

The pushchair, which is a special needs buggy, had only been bought two months ago because Macaulay’s former pushchair could not longer be used.

Ms Carroll, aged 36, said: “We only recently bought the MacLaren Major Elite special needs pushchair which is valued at £250.

“My son goes to school in Cheadle and the bus picks him up from home about 7.30am each morning.”

She added: “The pushchair was folded up. I’m really annoyed at what has happened. I don’t know if the thief or thieves realised the pushchair belonged to someone who is disabled. In the meantime, we’ll have to use an old chair which is virtually falling to pieces.

“I’ve made several posters featuring a picture of the buggy which I’ve attached to some lamp posts near our home.

“We hope that will help in getting the pushchair back.”

Police are investigating the theft which happened on Monday.

Anyone with information can ring Greater Manchester Police on 0161 872 5050 or Louise Carroll on 0783 721 8930.