TRAVELLERS and police were in a seven-hour stand-off yesterday as 35 families refused to leave their camp at an East Lancashire beauty spot.

A dozen police officers were called to Haslingden Leisure Centre following a flood of complaints from residents and landowner Rossendale Council after a large number of caravans moved onto the site.

Police eventually evicted the travellers, including two couples who married on Channel 4’s My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, after serving them with an official notice.

The travellers had asked to be given more time because two women were due to give birth imminently and two children were suffering from measles.

They said they were being 'victimised' for their way of life.

Chief Insp Jeff Brown, who was in charge of the operation, said: “We received a significant number of complaints about travellers using this site.

“While taking into account the needs of the travellers we also need to try and solve the concerns of local residents.

“We served a direction to leave notice and the travellers have agreed to move on.

“I would like to see more provision for the traveller community possible even with a designated site within Rossendale.”

Patrick Johnson, spokesman for the travellers, who included 140 children, said: "We were causing absolutely no problems being here at all but the police just won't leave us be.

"We know people don't want us in their backyards but we have no where to go.

"We just needed a week to get ourselves straight and we would have been on our way."

The travellers arrived in Rossendale six weeks ago and set up home in Futures Park, Bacup, before moving to the old Stand Athletic FC, off Blackburn Road, Ewood Bridge.

They also spent some time in Exchange Street, Edenfield, close to the controversial hostel, Chatterton Hey.

Mr Johnson said: "We backed the residents in Edenfield in their bid to prevent sex offenders and perverts being allowed into the community.

"We even went on a protest march.

"But when it came down to it the police forced us out of the village and allowed the offenders to stay.

"Where is the logic in that?"

The community were originally told to be off the site off Helmshore Road by 9am yesterday morning.

The group, who had been using the shower and toilet facilities at Haslingden Leisure Centre, were forced to leave the site shortly after 3pm after the police threatened them with a night in the cells.

Greenfield ward Coun Granville Morris, of Osbourne Terrace, said: "I live just behind the leisure centre and I could see the caravans from my kitchen window.

“I have been a caravaner in my time and I can understand the draw to this way of life.

"However, the football pitch behind the leisure centre is not an appropriate place to set up camp.

“It costs the council thousands of pounds each year to clear up sites used by travellers.

“I think it should be discussed whether Rossendale could create a designated site.”

Rossendale Council said it usually costs between £500 and £1,000 to clean up when such sites are cleared.

Coun Alyson Barnes, Rossendale Council Leader said: “Gypsies and travellers are a diverse group and Rossendale Council recognises that they have their own needs.

"However, the council takes a robust approach to unauthorised encampments.

“Following notification we will immediately initiate legal proceedings.

"During the legal process we are reliant on the availability of bailiffs and court dates to achieve a speedy outcome.

“The police have more immediate powers available to them, which in certain circumstances they can exercise without requiring court approval.”

Cindy, one of the travellers moved on, married on the popular My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and another couple married on My Big Fat Royal Wedding, coinciding with the marriage of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate Middleton.

The travellers came together in Rossendale from all over the UK to hold a born-again Christian church meeting.