A Blackburn cashier was stabbed after confronting a shoplifter last night.

The 30-year-old shop assistant was working at IJ Rasiah Ltd shop, formerly Wine Cellar, in Parkinson Street, Mill Hill, Blackburn at 6pm.

Police said a man walked in, picked up a bottle of Gallo £5.99 white wine and calmly walked out without paying.

The male cashier followed him outside and demanded he pay for the wine.

There was a ‘punch-up’ and the wine bottle smashed, before the thief produced a knife and stabbed the assistant in the top of his right leg.

The blade of the knife was left in the victim’s buttock.

Rabi Tharmalimgam, 45, who recently purchased the shop, said the shop assistant was not seriously injured and is recovering.

He said: “I have watched the CCTV footage and after he stabs him, he just walks away.”

Detectives said they have recovered the knife and forensically examined the scene and the remains of the wine bottle and have spoken to several witnesses.

Police said the attacker was ‘taunting’ the cashier and revealed a number of tattoos on his chest.

He is described as white, 20-30 years old, 5’8” to 6ft, slim with short dark cropped hair and a light zip-up hooded top.