A TEENAGER who had the tops of his ears cut off in a vicious town centre attack says he has no idea why he was targeted.

The 18-year-old barber from Church was grabbed from behind and pulled into a side street off Eastgate, Accrington, at 1.30am on Sunday.

He believes he was knocked unconscious in the attack because he only remembers waking up in the ginnel covered in blood.

As he walked back through town to get a taxi home, he was greeted by screams from horrified onlookers.

The former Mount Carmel pupil, who doesn’t want to be named, said: “I had been at a friend’s house, went to Petra takeaway and was heading home.

“I saw the blood, but only realised how bad the injuries were when people started screaming outside the Broadway pub and the taxi rank called an ambulance.

“I don’t know why it happened to me, I’ve no idea about a motive.

“My ears have been glued back together and now I have to wait six months for plastic surgery.

"I don’t want to leave the house at all.”

Detectives are still at a loss to explain the ‘horrendous attack’, but believe a knife was used.

They are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to contact police on 0845 125 3545 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.