TWO men who took a cousin's car for a spin after a night on the town ended up in an early- hours smash.

Burnley magistrates heard how Lewis Gee, 21, who had been at the wheel and was over the limit, and passenger Michael Redmond, 22, whose cousin Adam's £1,000 vehicle was a write-off, told police they knew nothing about the smash.

Adam Redmond, who had been out with the pair, knew nothing about the escapade until the following morning when he realised the car was missing. The defendants were now clubbing together to buy him another one, the court was told.

Gee, of Eldwick Street and Redmond of Salus Street, both Burnley, admitted aggravated vehicle taking. Gee also pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol, no licence and no insurance. Each were given 200 hours unpaid work, banned for 12 months and must pay £45 costs.

Sue Campbell, prosecuting, told the court police went to Gannow Top, Burnley, and saw a car crashed into the barrier. Gee later told officers:"I crashed it. It's my fault. I don't know why I did it. I was drunk." The defendant was breath tested and gave a reading of 59 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 mililitres of breath - the legal limit is 35.

Richard Taylor, defending, said Gee and Redmond had both been drinking, went home and it seemed a good idea to take the car out for a spin.