A THIEF from Nelson, who told a court he wants to quit drugs, had his sentence deferred so he can go into residential rehabilitation.

Burnley magistrates heard how long-time heroin addict Stuart Robert Leeming, 26, had tried to address his problem many times.

He had become clean on occasions but had then relapsed and fallen back in with old associates.

Leeming, of Bradshaw Street, Nelson, admitted four theft counts and driving while disqualified.

The court deferred his sentence until March 2.

Bench chairman James McGowan told Leeming that he had an horrendous record. He told him that he had his life ahead of him but if he carried on the way he was going then he would be in and out of jail.

Mr McGowan warned Leeming that if he did not attend the course, the court would come down hard on him and would have no sympathy.

The chairman went on: "We hope to get glowing reports for you.

"You are getting a lifeline thrown at you. Grab it. If you don't you are a lost cause."