A LEADING member of a Burnley bowling club has hit out at firebugs who torched a sports pavilion, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage.

But Derek Gill, treasurer of Ightenhill Park Bowling Club, said the wanton vandalism' of the arsonists would not succeed in destroying the spirit of the club.

Police and fire crews were called to the club, in Ightenhill Park Lane, shortly before 10pm on Monday, where they found one of the club's two pavilions well ablaze.

The Burnley Council building was gutted and its contents were destroyed in the fire, which is being treated as a suspected arson attack.

Mr Gill said the fire was disappointing but added that he hoped the club, which has around 60 members, would be able to carry on playing in its various leagues.

He added: "The pavilion has been totally wrecked and is beyond repair. Fortunately it seems the playing surface of the green has not been damaged and we will be able to continue, albeit with some difficulty.

"The club plays a valuable part in the lives of the community and it is sad to see this sort of mindless, wanton vandalism. What we will not do is let these people destroy the spirit of the club."

Simon Goff, Burnley Council's head of green spaces and amenities, said: "It is very sad that the bowls pavilion has been destroyed in such a mindless act of arson. The council will co-operate with the police to catch those responsible.

"Council officers are making arrangements to make the building safe and for insurance assessors to inspect the site. An insurance claim will be made."

Inspector Dave Croll, of Burnley police, said: "Lancashire Fire and Rescue called us at 9.45pm to the bowling pavilion.

"The fire service have said that it was of suspicious origin.

"Our crime scene investigators were due to go out to the scene to see if they could ascertain the exact cause of the fire."

Firefighters said there were signs of a forced entry at the site.