A YOUNG woman who fled the troubles in Angola after her father and her boyfriend were killed was found walking the streets of Blackburn with a knife up her sleeve.

Magistrates heard Patricia Almeida Santos, 20, was terrified of her ex-partner, who she had taken a civil injunction against.

Santos, of Dean Street, Darwen, pleaded guilty to possessing a bladed instrument in a public place.

She was given a conditional discharge for six months.

Daniel King, defending, said that as well as her father being killed the father of her four-year-old son was also murdered.

"She left the country seeking refuge, applying for asylum which is still being considered," said Mr King.

"Unfortunately she got involved in a relationship which became extremely violent, to the extent that she was forced to take out an injunction restraining him."

Mr King said the ex-partner had set up home just outside the 100-yard exclusion zone the order imposed and his client had eventually moved to Darwen to get away.