FRESH calls have been made for extra safety measures at a Nelson car park after a woman threatened to throw herself from the top.

Police spent more than an hour speaking to the woman on the top level of Pendle Rise car park, on Wednesday afternoon.

After threatening to jump, she eventually agreed to be taken by ambulance to Burnley General Hospital, at around 6.30pm.

The car park was dubbed a ‘suicide hot spot’ after seven people plunged to their death in less than 10 years.

The incident has prompted renewed calls for tall, mesh fencing to be installed on top of the car park.

Pendle Council has allocated £40,000 from its capital programme to implement the scheme.

But the shopping centre was placed into the hands of receivers CB Richard Ellis, in November, and the work cannot get under way without their say.

Coun Eileen Ansar said: “The council should be looking into why fencing hasn’t been put up.

“Pendle Rise is in the hands of receivers but we are still in the same position because they haven’t been working with the council.

“This woman could have ended up dead. If we put fencing up it will lessen the chance of people jumping because it will make it more difficult.”

Philip Mousdale, Pendle’s executive director, said: “We are still pushing for security fencing to be installed on the car park to prevent anyone else trying to take their own life there.

"We've set aside £40,000 in our capital programme to contribute to the costs of the fencing.

"We’re currently working with the owners on a suitable design.”