A 19-year-old youth who had sex with a girl of 13 has been jailed for three years and four months.

Jordan Hill, of Glenview Road, Burnley, took advantage of his drunk victim who he had met on the internet, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Hill himself was said to have had his restraint dulled by drink and cannabis, but was told by a judge that he must be jailed.

Hill admitted abducting a child and two charges of sexual activity with a child following the incidents in June and July last year.

He was made the subject of a sexual offences prevention order and put on the Sex Offenders' Register for eight years.

June Morris, prosecuting, told the court that the defendant and the victim arranged to meet in Clitheroe.

The girl indicated to police she had told Hill before she met him that she was 13.

Miss Morris said Hill bought cigarettes and alcopops, shared them with the girl and she became drunk. She refused to go home and turned off her mobile phone so her mother could not contact her, the court heard.

The victim was taken to Hill's home, had between 10 and 12 alcopops and was sleepy. They went to bed and had unprotected sex, the court was told.

Miss Morris said Hill rang the girl's mother at 2.55am as she wanted to collect her daughter.

But Hill refused to say where he lived, even though the mother warned him she was contacting police. The mother alerted officers and they traced his address.

The prosecutor said that when interviewed, the girl admitted having sex with Hill and said she had been drunk and willing.

Hill denied any sexual contact with the victim, was released on bail.

But the court was told that in August he met up with the girl again, spent the afternoon with her and had sex.

Hill had previous convictions for damage, affray and drugs but none for sexual offences.

Martin Hackett, defending, said: "This defendant will have to learn that he cannot behave in the way he did towards young people he knows are far younger than him."

Judge Andrew Gilbart, QC, said: "The courts have got to protect 13-year-old girls from engaging in sexual activity with anybody and in particular somebody as old as 19. "