MORE than 170 trees in a park may have to be cut down due to safety fears.

Hyndburn Council is considering carrying out the work at a cost of more than £30,000 in Haworth Park, as a result of national cases of people being killed by falling trees.

According to a council report due to be considered at a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, the 173 trees range from large mature trees to smaller ones, and more than half need to be removed due to infection.

Some trees would be felled as soon as possible, with work to remove or repair others carried out over a number of years.

The report, by Craig Horabin, the council's parks and open spaces manager, says: "The most urgent are 30 trees which are on the boundary of the park and border onto adjacent roads or properties. These need to be removed soon."

The council has classed 69 trees as priority one', of which 49 must be removed and the rest need repairing. Work to remove the trees on the boundary is expected to cost £10,000, with work on priority cases a further £20,000.

Under the law, if an accident occurs as a result of a tree or branch falling, the owner of the land is held responsible if they do not have an adequate inspection and maintenance programme in place.

A full briefing is due to be given to councillors and residents at Baxenden Area Council if the plans are given the go-ahead.