A LANDLORD has been told to turn two flats back into one house after failing to get planning permission.

Neighbours objected to a retrospective application to approve splitting up 48 Exeter Street, citing problems with tenants, and a detrimental effect on the neighbourhood.

Coun Maureen Bateson spoke at a Blackburn with Darwen planning committee meeting.

She said: “Terraced housing was created for families, and this goes against it.

“This is a loophole to bring in multiple occupancy and there are health and safety concerns.

“There is no demand and no need for flats like this in the area.

“It will set a dangerous precedent that will have a detrimental effect on the neighbourhood.”

Coun Dave Harling moved the refusal of planning permission, saying “There is clear loss of amenity to Exeter Street.

“Enough is enough,” he added