A 33-YEAR-OLD man pushed his fingers into his estranged partner’s mouth to stop her screaming for help as he tried to drag her to his house.

Hyndburn magistrates heard Zoe Grosvenor bit down as hard as she could, forcing Robert Charles Hampson to release his hold on her.

But as she turned to make her escape he punched her twice to the back of the head.

Hampson, 33, of Prince Street, Darwen, pleaded guilty to assaulting Miss Grosvenor. He was made subject to community supervision for 12 months, ordered to do 150 hours unpaid work and pay £150 compensation and £85 costs.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, said Miss Grosvenor and Hampson both lived in Prince Street but at separate homes.

She had finished their relationship and asked him to stop sending her text messages.

As she walked onto the street one evening Hampson was there and asked her to come to his house to talk.

“He suddenly lunged at her and put his hands over her mouth. She was very afraid as he started to drag her down the street towards his house,” said Miss Allan.

“He put his fingers in her mouth to stop her screaming and she bit him as hard as she could.”

The incident came to an end when a neighbour came out and Hampson left.

Liz Parker, defending, said Hampson believed he had pushed Miss Grosvenor away rather than punched her because she was biting his fingers causing him considerable pain.