AN ‘armed’ teenager who was part of an early hours planned attack on a Haslingden shop has walked free from court.

Sam Kelly, 18, wielded a baseball bat when he was confronted by the occupant of the flat above Londis store in Birch Avenue.

The resident, Thomas Woods, was terrified he would be attacked, but was unharmed, although shocked, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Kelly sobbed as a judge spared him, declaring: “I don’t think you are somebody set on beginning a criminal career.”

The defendant, who had been 17 at the time, had been found drunk and with vodka and lottery tickets like those sold in the shop, by police.

He had left footprints in the premises which were later matched to his trainers and blood which was a positive DNA profile.

Kelly, of Lower Lane, Haslingden, had earlier admitted aggravated burglary, last July 2.

He was given 51 weeks in a young offenders’ institution, suspended for 18 months, with 12 months supervision.

Sentencing the defendant, who now has a job, Judge Graham Knowles, QC, told him: “You are young for your age, have been visibly distraught throughout the hearing and continue to weep as I address you now.”

The judge said he was prepared to take a risk with Kelly, the defendant was exceptionally fortunate and it was up to him to take it.

Martin Hackett, for Kelly, said he was very remorseful and it was genuine.

The defendant would say he had turned over a new leaf since Christmas.