A FOUL-MOUTHED lout told police he hoped there was a riot and they would get killed following a Clarets v Blackburn soccer derby, a court heard.

Paul Plowright, 49, threatened two female officers he would get in shape at the gym and put a knife in their necks.

Plowright, who had watched part of the match on television, had appeared drunk and was staggering.

He had been warned several times by police and told to move on after he was heard swearing repeatedly on his mobile phone in front of children outside the Butterfly pub.

Burnley Crown Court was told how Plowright wanted to go back in the pub to see his partner, but a cordon had been put in place.

He ended up being arrested but struggled and made the threats.

Plowright, of Brownhill Avenue, Burnley, had been convicted by magistrates of using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour and had been given a conditional discharge and told to pay £250 costs.

He appealed against the conviction and sentence, but a judge threw out the appeal and said the officers were impressive and credible witnesses.