A 22-year-old woman went on a £2,000 spending spree using her mother’s bank card.

Blackburn magistrates heard the money was in an account kept specially for the woman’s son who received independent living funds.

And when she appeared in court Melody Adamson asked to go to prison so she could sort herself out.

Adamson, of Earnsdale Road, Darwen, pleaded guilty to 18 charges of theft and one of theft of a bank card belonging to Marie Adamson.

She was sentenced to 26 weeks in prison.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, said Mrs Adamson had gone away for three days leaving her daughter in her home.

After her return she received a bank statement which showed various transactions had been conducted while she was away.

“Mrs Adamson only uses the account for her son and immediately suspected her daughter,” said Miss Allan.

“The defendant has been to prison before for stealing from her mum.”

Miss Allan said the Royal Bank of Scotland had agreed to refund the money which had been taken.

Roger Pickles, defending, said Adamson had reconciled with her mother.

“She recognises what she has done is wrong,” said Mr Pickles. He said Adamson was a former heroin user who was on a methadone prescription.