THE new Mayor of Rossendale has pledged to spend the next year promoting the ‘unsung heroes’ who devote their time to caring for disabled loved ones.

At the beginning of 2005 Coun Gladys Sandiford’s husband Jim suffered a brain haemorrhage, which left him with short term memory loss and mobility problems.

Six years after being thrust into role of her husband’s full-time carer, she feels capable of successfully juggling her home and civic duties.

But the retired midwife, who has been a councillor for seven years, said she wanted to show people who provide around-the-clock care can lead active lives.

Jim, 82, will be the Greenfield representative’s consort and will accompany her to events and receptions.

Coun Sandiford said: “We decided to venture out together to promote people who care for disable people and all the different associations to do with helping people with mental and social disabilities. That’s the theme of this year and it will be reflected in the Mayor’s charities.

“When you think about it when you go for any other job you are interviewed, you have training and health and safety briefings.

“But when somebody goes into hospital and comes out with disabilities you are thrown into the job and have to battle on whether you want to or not.

“The people who do these jobs are largely unsung and I hope I can promote them over the next year.”

Coun Sandiford, who was sworn in as Mayor at Whitworth Civic Hall on Friday, said she is responsible for providing her husband with personal care.

She said: “Sometimes in the morning I get Jim up and he doesn’t know whether he’s getting into bed or out of it. You have to laugh because if you didn’t you’d cry.”