CALLS have been made to nominate a 15-year-old fundraiser to be an official Olympics torchbearer.

Already, Darwen’s MP, councillors and representatives of the East Lancashire Hospice have backed the bid by Tracy Jones - mother of Caitlin Jones.

Caitlin has raised more than £10,000 for cancer charities since the death of her dad from lung cancer in 2008.

Earlier this year, Caitlin, who has learning difficulties and physical disabilities, jointly won Lancashire Constabulary’s Young Citizen of the Year, and continued to raise funds this weekend, with a line of coins event for the hospice in Darwen Market on Saturday.

Tracy, of Somerset Avenue, Darwen, said: “She has worked so hard for other people since February 2008 and has never given up.

“She continues to support those she promised she would when Nigel died, and is so dedicated.”

MP Jake Berry said: “Caitlin is an inspirational young woman who has devoted herself to helping others.

“She is more than deserving of the honour of bearing the Olympic Torch. This would be a wonderful opportunity for her, and a fitting tribute to all that she has achieved and overcome in the past few years.”

Coun Trevor Maxfield has also backed the bid. He said: “I’ve nominated Caitlin for all the charitable work she has done in recent years. For someone of her age, it’s remarkable.”

Sharon Crymble of the East Lancashire Hospice, said: “Her fundraising has been tireless and she’s always done it with a smile on her face.”

Details on how to nominate Caitlin are available on the Olympic website at: Olympic organisers are looking for 8,000 people to carry the torch on its procession around the country before the games which start on July 27, 2012.

Nominations need to be in by June 29. For more information on what details are needed, contact Tracy on: 01254 703623.