VIGILANTE residents have driven a former Blackburn Rovers mascot out of their estate after he was charged with child sex offences, police said.

Scott Henderson, 22, from Blackburn, was charged last week with performing sex acts into a webcam after allegedly contacting teenage boys on social networking Facebook.

He was one of several volunteers who performed the role of ‘Roar the Lion’ role on matchdays at Ewood Park until his arrest last year.

But an anonymous resident close to his family home made posters with details of his case and his full address, police said.

They were posted around the area in north west Blackburn.

Neighbourhood police had to call an emergency meeting with local residents. Police said Henderson was now residing out of the area until his trial.

A police spokesman said: “There has been quiet a few issues and tensions in the community since Scott was charged.

“We held a residents meeting on Friday to reassure people about Scott’s bail conditions and to tell the community he wasn’t a risk.

“Scott has had to move out of the area due to his mother’s concerns after anonymous leaflets were put through people’s doors.”

Henderson is also charged with having pornographic video clips of children.

His exact address has not been released for legal reasons.

Before his arrest in October, Henderson would appear as the mascot at children’s birthday parties.

He also helped out in an administrative role at the club’s indoor football centre.

Henderson was immediately relieved of his role when the allegations emerged.

Following the allegations, Rovers axed the Roar mascot and launched a competition to design a new one.

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