A MAJOR crackdown on thieves who fill up and drive off from petrol stations has been launched in Nelson and Colne.

The Forecourt Watch scheme will see stickers and posters displayed, warning people that the theft of fuel is a criminal offence.

Staff at service stations in the towns will also be able to share information with each other and police about suspects, vehicles and known offenders.

Police have joined forces with The British Oil Security Syndicate (BOSS) and independent retailers to introduce the scheme.

It is being rolled out to every service station in the towns after 70 similar initiatives proved successful elsewhere in the UK.

Sergeant Chris Valentine, of Nelson Police, said: “This scheme has successfully helped to reduce crime and bring offenders to justice in other areas of Lancashire.

“We recognise that the theft of fuel has a significant impact on consumers, retailers and the police and we are committed to working with other agencies to tackle this sort of crime.

“We hope that Forecourt Watch will lead to positive changes in the way we manage forecourt crime by reducing fuel theft, increasing convictions and keeping forecourts as safe as possible for both staff and customers.”

To coincide with the launch of the scheme, police in Pendle have released images of two men they want to speak to in connection with the theft of fuel.

The two men are suspected to have been involved with filling up a silver Honda Civic with petrol on Tuesday May 10 at Colne Service Station, in Burnley Road, before driving off without paying.

Call police on 0845 1 253545 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.