A ROSSENDALE business owner is on the sex offenders' register and facing jail after sexually assaulting a woman and indecently assaulting a girl.

Stephen Whittles, 49, has been warned prison is likely when he is sentenced at Preston Crown Court on June 23.

Whittles was this week convicted of sexual assault on the woman between last February and March, after a three day trial at Burnley Crown Court.

The court had been told how he put the victim on a bed, tried to get her clothes from her and pulled down her pants. The defendant had denied the allegation.

After the jury returned it's verdict, Whittles admitted indecently assaulting a schoolgirl some years ago. Prosecutor Katherine Pierpoint told the hearing six further allegations of indecent assault against the girl, which Whittles had denied, would be left to lie on the file.

The defendant also pleaded guilty to a charge of cruelty to a person under 16 .

The court had also earlier been told how last spring, Whittles had pleaded guilty to common assault and using violence to secure entry to a premises, after his former wife, who he had had a 25 year relationship with, called the police. He had attended at her home, was said to be extremely drunk and had forced his way though a set of doors into a vestibule.

A friend of Mrs Whittle's had been there, the defendant was rude and abusive and there was a scuffle. When police arrived, Whittles was still there and he was arrested.

Whittles, of Hollinwood Drive, Rawtenstall, was yesterday bailed for a pre-sentence report on the offences he was convicted of this week. He was ordered to sign the sex offenders' register.

Judge Graham Knowles, QC, told the defendant he must understand that in asking for the report and granting him bail, he was not giving Whittles any indication as to the likely sentence.

The judge continued: "Indeed, the likely sentence in your case is a custodial sentence but all options will be open. I will consider everything said to me and everything I read in the report on the next occasion."