THE granddaughter of a former Clarets hero could be set for sporting success as well.

Ten-year-old Natalya Irvine, granddaughter of Willie, proved she is following in his footsteps by finishing second in Burnley’s Race for Life.

The Worsthorne youngster has also finished first in the Burnley Inter-School cross country championships this year, beating off competition from 166 other youngsters.

In Sunday’s 5km Race for Life, around Towneley Park, she finished in 19mins 21secs, behind winner Charlotte Hartley, 25, of Cliviger, who finished in 18mins 21secs.

Her day Stephen Irvine said: “It’s unbelievable really.

"She came ninth last year in about 24 minutes, but has improved a lot.

"She tried football, but got a bit disheartened with it and it was actually Willie who suggested doing running as she was well built for it.

"She loves it now and has done really well. She is showing a lot of promise.

"Hopefully we can get some coaching for her and she can go on to the next level because she is really determined and is doing brilliantly.”

Sporting success runs in the Irvine family. Willie played 126 games for Burnley between 1960 and 1968 and is one of the Clarets’ greatest ever players.

Stephen is a competitive motor racing driver, having won championships in hill and sprint racing.

He recently returned to the track having spent a year out undergoing treatment on a back problem.

More than 1,500 women took part in the Cancer Research fundraiser in Towneley Park. Winner Charlotte, a former professional hockey player, now a personal trainer, said: “It was a bit of fun for a good cause.

"I raised about £312. I do quite a bit of running with work, but I wasn’t sure what the standard was going to be like. I was delighted to finish first.”