CHRISTIAN values have helped the children at Todmorden Church of England School to progress in their learning, care of others and general good behaviour, according to Ofsted inspectors.

They visited the school, in Burnley Road, in June and their report said the children were progressing well in their personal development as a result of the good provision for their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

The report said: "Pupils enjoy school. They are very well behaved, and make an excellent contribution to the school and local and wider communities.

"Good support and guidance provides security for pupils, many of who are vulnerable because of family circumstances.

"Parents think highly of the school, particularly appreciating its Christian values and the standards pupils achieve "Pupils enjoy school and their self-confidence blossoms.

"Many children in the foundation stage arrive with limited social skills but soon become self-confident, happy learners in the welcoming but challenging environment.

"By year six, pupils demonstrate maturity and self-assurance, and have acquired skills and attitudes to help them be successful in future lives."

The chairman of the school governors, Canon Peter Calvert, said: "This is an excellent report, which confirms what we already know about our school, its staff and its children."