A ROMANIAN police chief walked the beat in East Lancashire in a bid to learn from local officers.

Major Mihai Isvoranu, 54, the chief attorney in the Romanian town of Comanesti, met police and community leaders in Accrington and Oswaldtwistle.

Insp Terry Woods, from Accrington police, showed Mr Isvoranu around as he aimed to learn about successful community policing projects in the area.

He was also swapping tips with local officers after the influx of Eastern European workers to the area over recent months.

Romania is seeking entry into the European Union and police forces across the Eastern European country are attempting to alter their methods to bring them into line with the rest of Europe.

The visiting officer met with community support officers (PCSOs) and heard about the jobs that community volunteers and special constables fulfill.and people from other agencies. He also heard about work to tackle anti-social behaviour in the area.

As well as meeting officers in Accrington to talk about the way they do their jobs Mr Isvoranu also went to a PACT (police and communities together) surgery in Oswaldtwistle with local bobby PC Steve O'Boyle.

The Romanian police officer was joined on the trip by his wife Lucia, a lawyer, who acted as his interpreter.

Major Isvoranu said it was important to learn from police officers in Lancashire, particularly their success in tackling youth disorder. He said: "I have found here the types of activities that we do not have in Romania. I will try to apply a lot of the things I have learned when I return.

"The officers here try to engage with young people, instead of doing the wrong things with them, they talk to them.

"The importance given to education is something we can learn from."

He said that he has also been talking to officers about Eastern European culture and the hard working mentality of many immigrants from the region that are coming to the UK.

Insp Woods said: "Mr Isvoranu was very interested to find out about our community policing initiatives in the area and it has been a pleasure to show him how we operate."

The visiting police officer comes from a town that is similar in size to Accrington.

He had planned the visit through contacts that the two forces have with Eastern European charity work.