A BLACKBURN teenager who burgled two addresses while on a suspended sentence has been sentenced to 12 months youth custody.

David Biggs also took a car from outside one of the addresses, having found the keys in the house.

The offences were committed while he was on a suspended sentence order for racially attacking a shopkeeper and abusing the man's wife.

Biggs, 19, of Maricourt Avenue, Intack, had pleaded guilty to two burglaries, as well as an offence of taking a vehicle without the owner's consent, and not having a driving licence, or insurance.

He was also banned from driving for a year.

One of the burglaries took place in Peridot Close, Blackburn. An electric fire and carpets were removed from the address.

The premises had been empty for a little while before new tenants were due to move in. A number of people used the place for "chilling out", said Francis McEntee, prosecuting.

The defendant appeared to have been living above the address at the time of the burglary in May this year.

The following month Biggs burgled a home in St Ives Road, Blackburn. A woman was woken at 5am by the sound of her car being revved outside.

Biggs, who was in the driver's seat, then drove off in the Renault. The victim later discovered two pairs of training shoes, worth £170, had been taken.

Jo Shepherd, defending, said Biggs had never committed burglary, or any other dishonesty offences in the past, and wanted to put his offending behind him.

Sentencing at Preston Crown Court, Judge Norman Wright said: "You have to realise these offences are so serious that they cannot be overlooked."