A MOTHER-of-three who said she was single to swindle £21,000 in benefits was busted when she appeared in front of millions of viewers on cult TV programme Wife Swap.

Now Becky Fairhurst, of Derby Street, Colne, is facing prison and the prospect of having to pay back the cash after she pleaded guilty to five counts of benefit fraud at Burnley Crown Court.

Fairhurst appeared on the reality show with her then partner Jason Hill - but was claiming single person's benefits at the same time.

Fairhurst admitted failing to tell benefits staff of a change in her circumstances which saw her overpaid by £20,939 as well as asking for 77 other offences to be taken into consideration.

After Fairhurst's TV appearance with her then-partner of 12 years, and a tip-off from the public, the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and Burnley Council launched a joint probe.

They found that between December 2001 and October 2004 Fairhurst falsely claimed income support three times from the DWP. She also wrongly claimed council tax and housing benefits twice between 2002 and 2004 from Burnley Council.

Fairhurst was granted bail and will be sentenced next month.

Judge Barbara Watson said: "The fact that you are having bail today is no indication as to what sentence you are going to receive.

"The judge will be considering all options including custody."

After the hearing John Lees, spokesman for the DWP, said in August 2004 Fairhurst told Jobcentre staff that after a short period together she had split from Mr Hill - the father of her three children Tyler, Ziegan and Kiowa.

He said: "She had not previously declared that they had been living together.

"She also reported that they had recently taken part in the filming of the Channel Four programme, Wife Swap.

"Following her appearance on the programme and receipt of further information from a member of the public, the case was referred for investigation.

"Departmental records showed that for seven years Miss Fairhurst claimed Income Support, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit for herself and children as a lone parent.

"A joint investigation with Burnley Borough Council uncovered evidence to show that Miss Fairhurst had been living with her partner intermittently from June 2000."

The couple had been living in Padiham.