A CONVICTED child rapist who confronted a Colne schoolgirl, exposed himself and committed a sex act, has been jailed for two years.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Christopher Freeman, 29, asked the girl "Do you want to play?" as he stood in a doorway.

He blocked her exit, but she managed to push past him, escaped and dashed to her mother, crying and distressed.

Freeman was living in Colne with his pregnant girlfriend at the time and had not at first told her about his past.

Freeman had served six years behind bars in 1999, after being convicted of rape, the court heard.

He had pinned his victim to the floor, tied her wrists with telephone wire and held scissors and a piece of glass to her neck.

He was already on the sex offenders' register for life when he committed the latest offence, between November 2008 and January 2009 and has now been put on it again.

The defendant, most recently living in Hollins Lane, Sowerby Bridge, had admitted causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity.

He was given five years' extended licence, was banned from working with children for life and received an indefinite sexual offences prevention order.

Sentencing, Recorder Neil Flewitt, QC, told Freeman he was satisfied he was dangerous and posed a significant risk of causing serious harm to children.

The judge told the defendant that had the victim not acted in the way she did, events might have taken a 'more sinister turn'.

He added Freeman had not engaged with a sex offenders' treatment programme and had flouted the sex offenders' register once.

Lisa Roberts, prosecuting, said the victim was video interviewed in October 2009.

Freeman was arrested in Huddersfield, where he was then living, was questioned and denied doing anything wrong.

Charlotte Holland, for the defendant, said he knew he faced a long custodial sentence.