A TEENAGER spared jail after taking part in two vicious attacks is behind bars after going burgling.

Jamie King, 18, was given a chance when he received a youth rehabilitation order in November.

The court heard this sentence was given after a householder was punched to the ground, kicked and left with a suspected smashed cheek, cuts, bruises and swelling.

King was also involved in the gang beating of a youth who was punched, knocked to the ground, kicked in the face and ended up having 13 stitches, Burnley Crown Court heard.

King had kept his freedom, but in March raided a flat while the occupant was away and stole a digital camera and cash, worth £275.

The defendant, who has 19 previous convictions, admitted burglary and breaching the youth rehabilitation order, imposed after he was convicted of assault causing actual bodily harm and wounding.

King, of Brunswick Terrace, Accrington, was sent to a young offenders’ institution for two years.

James Heyworth, for King, said his client had not had the best start in life and found himself in a chaotic lifestyle.