A VAN driver who knocked down a woman on a zebra crossing in icy conditions was alleged to have had a frozen windscreen, a court heard.

Nick Manger, 25, was said, by a witness to the collision, to have had a 12-inch circle rubbed clear on the driver’s side at the time he hit the 54-year-old victim, in Gisburn Road, Barnoldswick, last November 15.

The victim was taken to the Royal Blackburn Hospital suffering from bruises to her ribs and back, and the next day went to her doctor complaining of whiplash.

She was treated with painkillers.

Manger, who is self employed, told the hearing when he left home his windscreen was completely clear, but his heater had been playing up.

He said it was not until about 10 to 15 minutes after the police arrived that the windscreen started to freeze back up.

The defendant, of Beech Street, Barnoldswick, had admitted driving without due care and attention.

District Judge Peter Ward said Manger’s speed was perhaps too fast for the conditions.

He fined him £225, imposed six penalty points, and ordered him to pay a £15 victim surcharge and £50 costs.

Manger told Burnley Crown Court he did not believe he had limited visibility.

He said: “I put my brakes on when I saw her but, because of the icy conditions, I couldn’t stop.”