A TAKEAWAY was torched in a late night attack.

Fire crews said there were four separate seats to the blaze at the shop in Leeds Road, Nelson.

The fire was so fierce that smoke billowed into the nearby Prince of Wales pub.

Watch manager Gary Ibbitson said that when they arrived the rear door was unlocked.

When they went inside the property there was an ‘overpowering’ smell of petrol.

Mr Ibbitson said: “The people who decided that they wanted to burn the place down didn’t do a good job because there were no open doors or windows.

“There were four seats of fire over two floors. “So although there was a lot of smoke damage, the fire damage was limited. The situation could have been horrendous.

“There were three small fires set upstairs and the fire downstairs centred on the takeaway counter.

“When we arrived there was smoke billowing out of the rear of the building.”

Mr Ibbitson said that the premises was in the process of being sold and had not been open for several weeks.

Crews spent two hours at the scene.

Police are now investigating the incident and further checks took place at the property yesterday.