A MOTHER-of-two is taking marathons from the wilds of Windermere to the bright lights of London and New York City in her stride.

Nicola Nuttall, 41, broke her long-distance duck in the Cumbrian 26-miler last year, coming second in the veteran woman’s category.

But now Nicola, a director at Nelson-based Giddy Kippers, has the two city slogs in her sights before 2011 is out.

Her inspiration has been her late grandfather Ron Greaves, who lost his battle with cancer four years ago.

Nicola said: “I just hope I’ve done enough! I’ve been training for about 12 weeks and have been doing around 50 miles a week towards the end of that.

“I’ve been training with Trawden AC and they’ve been absolutely brilliant in helping me along.

"The staff and customers at Giddy Kippers have also been willing me on.

“If nothing else the London Marathon won’t have the same hills as Windermere, at least. I’m hoping to do it in three hours and 45 minutes.

Her support crew also includes husband Mark and daughters Laura, aged 11, and nine-year-old Gracie.

Laura has also caught the running bug and has enlisted with the Trawden club in her own right.

Trawden runners Sandra Campbell, Joe Edmundson and Anthony Hall have also secured spots in the London race.

People wishing to donate to Nicola’s fundraising effort, which has already collected £500 so far, can do so online at www.justgiving.com/nicnuttall