A MUM-of-two who sold cannabis to an undercover police officer did it in front of a four year old child, a court was told.

Victoria Ann Boyd, 23, handed over 1.81 grams of the drug for £20 after an officer went to a house in Burnley, the town’s magistrates heard.

Boyd, of Laithe Street, Burnley, who had never broken the law before, admitted supplying cannabis, last November 25. She was fined £100, with a £15 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

The bench told her the child might not have under-stood what was going on, but Boyd had seemed to disreg-ard the fact she was there.

The hearing was told when the defendant was arrested and interviewed, she gave a prepared statement, accept-ing she was the woman in a covert video filmed by officers.

Scott Parker, for Boyd, said she was helping someone else, which, in hindsight, she shouldn’t have done. The defendant had been diagnosed with stress.