A DRUNKEN Blackburn yob indecently assaulted a 17-year-old girl and assaulted her male friend as they travelled home on the train after a day out in Blackpool.

But when he appeared at Blackburn magistrates Christopher James Poynton refused to sign a sex offender register form, telling the court: “I am not a sex offender.”

Blackburn magistrates heard the incident started as the youngsters waited at Blackpool South station at about 9.30pm when they were approached by Poynton and another man.

Poynton started making sexual comments towards the girl and when they got on the train he and his friend stated throwing beer around and making more lewd suggestions.

Poynton grabbed the girl’s friend by the head and dragged him out of his seat so he could sit next to the girl, which was when he indecently assaulted her.

He later said he was sorry and went to embrace the young man but in the process bit him on the neck.

Ian Huggan, defending, said Poynton accepted the assault on the male but still denied the indecent assault.

Poynton, 23, of Ciceley Street, Blackburn, was convicted after trial of indecent assault and pleaded guilty to assault.

He was made subject to community supervision for 12 months with a 12 week curfew between 7pm and 7am.

He was also ordered to pay £200 compensation and put on the sex offender register for five years.