A MAN who died from cancer had his life’s belongings strewn out into the front garden.

Peter Frost, 69, had lived in his Twin Valley Homes house in Ivinson Road, Darwen, for more than a decade before succumbing to cancer at Royal Blackburn Hospital on March 21.

But two weeks later, local residents were shocked to see his possessions scattered across his front garden for scavengers to pick through.

Coun Roy Davies was one of those who was ‘very upset’ at the treatment of Mr Frost’s belongings.

He said: “I felt so sad to see this man’s possessions laid out on the lawn for all to come along and pick through.

“As soon as I heard I spoke to Twin Valley and they took action.

“I knew Mr Frost. He was a friend of my father. But his life had been reduced to 30 bin bags full of trinkets, pictures and Christmas decorations that were going to end up in a skip. But they were precious to this man.

“It’s very upsetting. He has spent 60-odd years on this earth for someone just to come along and throw out his stuff for people to root through trying to find something of value.”

Coun Davies urged other people to make adequate arrangements for their property in death.

Ian Bell, head of housing at Twin Valley Homes, said his workers would be clearing the garden.

He said: “Mr Frost’s next of kin spoke to us after returning the keys to the property. They explained that they had tried their best to clear the property but had found the task far too big to manage given their limited resources and the conditions inside.

“These are very sad circumstances and, having been made aware of the situation, we have arranged to clear the garden.”

The coroner’s office confirmed that Mr Frost died of natural causes at Royal Blackburn Hospital on March 21 after suffering from cancer.