VICTIMS of stalking will be asked 12 ‘trigger’ questions by police in a new way of tackling the escalating crime.

Following a Lancashire Constabulary review of its methods for dealing with stalking and harassment, the force has adopted a new strategy in a bid to prevent harassment victims becoming the victims of serious crime.

Men and women who report such incidents to police will immediately be given a questionnaire, with the most important question being ‘Are you very frightened?’ Senior Lancashire officers have said that despite having a good record on dealing with harassment and stalking, they have ‘not always got things right’.

That culminated in an IPCC investigation into a Preston case with ‘elements of stalking’ where a woman was stabbed and burned by her ex-partner Craig Clarke despite repeated calls to police. The IPCC slammed the force for a ‘shocking catalogue of errors’ and missed opportunities.

DCI Sam Mackenzie, of public protection, said stalking could be seen as more of a serious risk of harm to the victim, where harassment causes annoyance and upset.

Mr Mackenzie said that Lancashire police had been using the 12 trigger questions set out by the Stalking Helpline for 12 months, but they have now become mandatory for an officer to ask of anyone reporting harassment or stalking.

A supervising officer will then oversee the process to make sure links are made between any other reports from the same victim and if there was a pattern in the offender’s behaviour.

Mr Mackenzie said: “We recognise that the police service has not always got things right when faced with reports of stalking.

“However, in Lancashire we are committed to learning those lessons which have been identified nationally and locally.

“We learnt that failing to recognise risk at the earliest opportunity and failing to identify patterns of behaviour were putting victims at increased risk and the changes to our procedures are designed to address that.”

The new strategy coincides with National Stalking Awareness Week.

Key questions

* Are you very frightened?

* Is there previous domestic abuse or history of harassment * Have they ever destroyed or vandalised any of your property?

* Do they turn up at your work or home unannounced more than three times a week?

* Do they loiter or follow you at home or work?

* Have they made any threats of physical or sexual violence?

* Have they harassed a third party eg friends and family?

* Have they been violent towards anyone else within the stalking incident?

* Have they asked anyone to help them?

* Are they abusing drugs or alcohol?

* Have they been violent in the past?

* Other relevant details such as motives, duration, weapons, unwanted gifts.