A HOMELESS man jailed for life for murdering an 89-year-old war veteran declared himself ‘a complete psycho’ with a ‘very bad temper’.

Stuart Young, 23, sentenced to a minimum of 28 years today for the brutal killing of Albert Fielding in his own flat, confessed to his mum, saying he was ‘off his head on drugs’.

The court heard that the ‘heart of gold’ pensioner’s family and neighbours had warned him about his open-door policy at his ground floor flat in Limefield Court, off Preston New Road, Blackburn.

And on October 21, Young – who had been robbed himself earlier in the day – smashed Mr Fielding at least six times in the head after covering his face with a cardigan as he slept in the sofa.

He left with less than £200 from the ex-Royal Engineers serviceman’s wallet.

In a statement read out in court, Mr Fielding’s daughter Dorothy Doyle said she had called her dad at home on the morning of Friday, October 22.

A neighbour answered and said he was asleep, but then found him cold.

Dorothy thought he had died in his sleep.

When told by police it was murder, she thought: ‘They’ve finally got him’.

She said: “He still believed up until his death that he could protect himself.

"I often reminded him he wasn’t as young as he used to be.

"I warned him that something serious would happen if he kept letting people in.

“Stuart Young took advantage of my father’s kindness and vulnerability, thinking he was an easy target.”

Prosecutor Neil Flewitt revealed that Young fled to a hotel.

The next day he overheard a conversation about the murder of an old man in Blackburn, and told a receptionist: “He better not be (dead).

"I’m very close, I know him very well.”

He then told a cousin: “Guess what, there’s been a murder in Blackburn last night.”

Detective Superintendent Neil Hunter said: “I am pleased with the sentence passed down today.

"Family liaison officers are continuing to support Mr Fielding’s family as they have done throughout the investigation and our thoughts remain with them as they come to terms with such a tragic loss.

"Nothing will ever bring Albert back but at least Young’s conviction provides the family with the knowledge that the person responsible for this wicked murder has been brought to justice.

“This was a vicious, brutal and unprovoked attack which was even more despicable due to Albert’s vulnerability due to his age and the fact that he was always willing to help anyone.

"This was a murder with intent to gain driven by greed involving gratuitous violence which is unforgiveable.

"Albert was so kind that he would regularly provide visitors to his home with warmth, shelter and money and this is what makes the attack even more senseless and completely unnecessary.

“Stuart Carl Young is a dangerous and violent individual and the community will be a far safer place as a result of his incarceration.

"Young’s actions were cowardly and evil and I am happy that the sentence reflects the appalling nature of this attack and the level of violence used by him.”

“At least Young’s guilty plea has prevented the family from having to sit through the ordeal of a trial and is therefore appreciated but we cannot underestimate the critical importance of DNA evidence as I am convinced that this has significantly influenced Young’s decision to plead guilty."