A LEADING government figure today hailed East Lancashire’s manufacturing industry as the key to its financial recovery.

Speaking on a visit to Burnley, Danny Alexander also insisted cuts to council budgets were ‘fair’ and suggested some authorities were unnecessarily cutting front-line services.

The Liberal Democrat Chief Secretary to the Treasury was visiting Aircelle, on Bancoft Road, Burnley, and AMS Neve alongside the town’s MP Gordon Birtwistle.

Speaking afterwards, he insisted the region had a bright future, identifying apprenticeships as a key weapon in the recovery.

He said: “Aircelle is an enormously impressive example of advanced manufacturing in this country.

“It is a company that has been growing, taking on jobs and producing some fantastically advanced equipment for the sector.

“Even in these tough financial times, they are putting more resources into apprenticeships.

“This area has a hugely strong manufacturing tradition, and it is an absolutely vital sector.”

His visit came the day after Lancashire County Council agreed a massive spending cuts programme as part of its three-year budget.

Many councils in the North West are facing greater cutbacks in government funding than wealthier parts, but Mr Alexander defended the government’s formula.

Echoing the recent argument between ministers and some local authorities, he said: “Councils themselves have to take responsibility for the sorts of choices they have to make.

"And councils are taking very different choices.”

He praised County Hall for making savings on back-office functions.

Reminded that the council has admitted the front line would be hit, he added: “I appreciate it’s difficult.”