A FARM worker who was the world’s first paraplegic amputee to walk again racially abused a group of Asian men after falling out of his wheelchair on a night out, a court heard.

Robert Field, 24, of Cornfield Grove, Padiham, became angry with police who had arrested his friend outside the Tasty Spot takeaway, in Keighley Road, Skipton.

Field was left paralysed from the waist down after a one-tonne bale of hay fell on him in a farming accident in Hapton, in 2007.

He broke his back, fractured his jaw and severed a main artery, had his left leg amputated below the thigh and steel rods inserted into his back to help stabilise it.

Skipton magistrates were told that on Jauary 29 the defendant fell out of his chair while arguing with police outside the takeaway.

Caroline Midgley, prosecuting, said officers tried to help him back into his chair, but he was abusive and unwilling to co-operate.

Eventually, Field got back into his chair and was making his way to the police station when he made a racially- abusive comment to a group of Asian men who had been standing nearby.

The defendant, who admitted using racially-aggravated language and using threatening words, had acted out of loyalty to his friend, the court heard.

In mitigation, Mark Irlam said he was a man who did not normally drink, and on this occasion had not eaten anything during the day.

He said he should have left the police to do their job, but was concerned for his friend and where officers were going to take him.

He added that Field had been upset about being seen on the floor and had responded inappropriately.

Field, who appeared in court last Friday, was fined £200 and ordered to pay £85 costs, and a £15 victim surcharge.