A man who went into a Sabden church to get warm stole money from a collection box with donations from people who had lit candles in memory of loved ones.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Duncan Baldwin, 62, had earlier gone into the Baptist Church where he had stolen £30 from the minister’s wallet while he was leading the morning service.

The chairman of the bench described the offences as ‘despicable’ but Baldwin was given a conditional discharge for 18 months and the magistrates made no order for costs.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, said Bernard Parfit, a warden at St Nicholas Church noticed Baldwin at the rear of the church after the service when most of the congregation had left.

“He told the defendant he would be closing the church shortly and Baldwin said he was just looking at the visitors’ book,” said Mr Allan.

“Shortly after Mr Parfit heard money rattling and when they looked Baldwin and the collection box had gone.”

The wardens went looking for Baldwin and went to the Baptist Church where Timothy Peagam is minister.

He had left his jacket in the hall during the service and when he checked his wallet and £30 were missing.

Police arrested Baldwin, of Accrington Road, Burnley, nearby and recovered the stolen property.

Andrew Church-Taylor, defending, said although he had a record Baldwin had not been in trouble since 2001.

Mr Church-Taylor said: “He has been told he is to lose his accommodation and he is seeking medical help for depression and perhaps these things were on his mind.”

He said Baldwin had set out on the Sunday morning to go for a walk and had ended up in Sabden.

“He says he is acutely embarrassed by these offences and expresses his remorse,” said Mr Church-Taylor.

“He is particularly upset that these offences have appeared in the press and people know he has stolen from church premises. He has to live with the shame of that.”