A 76-year-old grandfather has admitted 18 sexual offences against children spanning five decades, including rape.

Thomas Allan, of Sudellside Street, Darwen, appeared at Preston Crown Court yesterday and pleaded guilty to seven counts of indecent assault, five counts of indecency with a child, five counts of attempted rape and a rape.

The offences date back as far as 1967 with the most recent in 2004. The offences were against four children.

Allan pleaded not guilty to two further charges of sexual assault of a child, but they will not be proceeded with by the CPS.

The grandad was arrested in October after a long investigation by East Lancashire’s Public Protection Unit.

He has been in custody since then and is likely to be jailed by Judge Heather Lloyd when he appears for sentencing on March 7.

The offences were committed in and around the Darwen area.

Allan, who has been married for almost 50 years, gave no comment during interviews with police.

Detective Constable Lyndsey Vaughton said the investigation was particularly difficult and praised the bravery of his victims for coming forward.

She said: “Allan comes across as a well spoken, gentle elderly man who you wouldn’t look twice at in the street.

“But he is far from that as can be seen by the horrific offences he has pleaded guilty to.

“He has been grooming children for decades.”

Police said the investigation into Allan and his offending was not yet closed.

Allan had been due to be sentenced at yesterday’s hearing but Judge Lloyd asked for further pre-sentencing reports.

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