THE 2011 census will get under way next month with the count entering the digital age for the first time.

It will be the first census that can be completed online and the first census since same-sex civil partnerships were introduced.

From March 7, every single household across England and Wales will receive a census form containing 56 questions, all of which will help shape the country and local communities for the next decade.

Information will be used to plan for new schools, new infrastructure and will be used by the Government to work out future grant funding for the borough.

Private businesses such as supermarkets can also use the data to determine where new stores are built and even what products to stock.

While there is no specific question surrounding sexuality, there is an option to tick “same-sex civil partnership” under the marital status section.

Following complaints after the 2001 census, the question on family income has been removed.

While most people are happy to fill in their census forms, those who refuse are liable for a £1,000 fine and a criminal record, although only a small number of people were fined after the last census.

The census will also provide a much-needed, short-term job boost, with people employed to hand-deliver forms to student halls, hospitals, hotels and the like.

For more information about the census, log onto